Area of Practice
     Labour Laws Civil Laws - pertaining to Industrial housing. Criminal Law – Companies affected by Factories  Act having Criminal Law repercussions.
Employees Provident Fund Act – having criminal consequence on violation of the provisions of the Act.ESI Act Factories Act – Where certain violations of the provisions results in criminal consequences.

Industrial Relations : Is a subject matter which has evolved with the rise of trade unions in various industries and the right of formation is enshrined in the constitution of India as one of the fundamental rights with the industrialization the penetration of the unionism has increased, which included established trade unions having political affiliations as well as educated employees started forming internal union. The management requires the expertise in negotiation in the areas of wage fixation, its periodic revision, etc. The productivity fixation and its relation to the revision of service condition of the employees. Besides issues like annual bonus, incentives, schemes, transportation and canteen issues got progressively complicated and became integral part of negotiation and the stability of industrial relation depended on wage negotiation and its success and stabilizing the other social issues related to the concerned employees.

The firm specializes in having the requisite data and its periodical update on region-cum industry basis and also it has established professional and friendly relationship with the established trade unionist to facilitate the industrial peace and optimum productivity from each employees vis a vis the service condition revision of the employees concerned. employees vis a vis the service condition revision of the employees concerned.

The firm has to its credit hundreds of settlement being signed with various unionists over a period of time. The firm is known for settling the industrial relation issues no matter how complicated the issues are and it firmly believes in only need based litigation and not otherwise.

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